Work With Me

Ep. 13 The One Where Resentment Killed Our Marriage

There are so many messy middle parts of marriage that NO ONE talks about. Well, luckily for you, I DO!

I struggled silently for many years because I didn’t

want to look bad and be judged.

Until one day, I did the bravest thing and shared with my friends that I thought my marriage was over.

In March 2023, my husband and I were planning our separation. Who would stay at the house, care for the dog, etc.?

I wish I could say it was heartbreaking, but that would be a lie. I had closed my heart so tight that I couldn’t feel anything but anger and resentment.

I blamed him for my unhappiness and dissatisfaction.

But that separation never happened…

Instead, we fell deeper in love and started having even BETTER sex!


I healed my resentment!

And now I am teaching YOU how to heal YOUR resentment so you can get your marriage and sex life back, feel turned on, and desire again…

You can have all of this WITH your husband!

Listen and let me know if you’re resonating, have questions, or want more info on working with me by

Emailing me at [email protected]

Instagram @pathtopleasure

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